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By the year 2114, the world is still a very dangerous place. Although technology has made some remarkable new advances to our world, those same developments are often used for vicious and deadly crimes. Enter Silhouettes, highly advanced and sex starved humanoid robots that can be controlled by thoughts, even at a distance. Considered to be one of the most significant technological breakthroughs, their purpose has been skewed to serve those who only seek money and power. But our heroines, Rika and Sandy, will soon put a stop to that! When the voluptuous pair of do-gooders learn there's a corporate conspiracy involving Silhouettes fighting against each other and humans. Can Rika and Sandy survive the intrigue as they fall prey to the Silhouette's relentless sexual encounters? Will they be able to defend themselves while learning so many new positions?

Duration: 38 min

Censorship: No

Added: 01-01-1971

Release Year: 1996

Lang: -

Subt: -

Categorie(s): Group, Bondage

Genre(s): Action


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